Hello everyone!
My name is Synariel, the Admin of Arwen-Undomiel-Official. Welcome to AUO! 😁
This website was built by inspiration of and sadly, to also kind of replace the original fansite Arwen-Undomiel.com as we've lost contact with the Admin and Moderators there and it's proven quite impossible to keep that site up and running when we can't update or watch over it properly. :( We did our best there but realized it was time to make a new place for us to gather and talk about Tolkien's amazing works and Peter Jackson's cinematic masterpieces.
As the era of the movies has ended, I will be updating this website with other Tolkien related things for you all to enjoy! Please look forward to it, and please let me know if you there is anything you would like to see me post about in the updates!
Also, please be sure to come and sign up for our forum which is officially open now! You can find the link to it above under the main pic!
Thanks so much for visiting! Please come again!
- Synariel the Admin